Speak as a Delegation Before Council

Your Municipal government wants to hear from you.

Speaking at a Council meeting is easier than you think. If you wish to speak at a Council meeting, please contact the township office.

Frequently asked questions

What is a Delegation?

A delegation is an individual or group who wish to address Council who are not members of Council or Municipal Staff.

How do I speak at a Council meeting?

You must register with the Clerk's Department at least six (6) days before the meeting. You do not need to register as a delegate if you want to attend as an observer.

Is there a time limit?

Delegations are to be limited to ten (10) minutes followed by a question period by Council Members.

Do I have to speak to an item on the agenda?


  • A maximum of three delegations may address Council at a meeting regarding items on the agenda other than items of correspondence.
  • All delegations must provide a written note setting out the subject matter of the delegation to the Clerk or Administrative Assistant on or before 4:00p.m.on the Wednesday prior to the Council meeting.

Where and when are the meetings?

Meetings of Council schedule

Where do I find an agenda for Council?

Agendas are posted to the Agendas and Minutes page on the Friday the week prior to the Council meeting. Limited hard copies of the agenda will also be available at the meeting.

Can I bring forward a matter the second time to Council?

Delegations that have previously appeared before Council on the same subject matter shall be limited to providing new information only in their subsequent appearances.

Can I be declined to appear Council?

Delegations requesting to appear at a meeting may be declined if:

  • they have failed to follow established by-laws, policy, procedure or protocol or as prescribed in an applicable governing statue or regulation.
  • Delegations may be declined or prevented if the matter can be resolved by Staff.

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