The Township has developed a number of documents that guide Council and staff in making important decisions.
2022 Central Frontenac Septic Re-Inspection Report
After two years’ hiatus due to COVID, the township continued with its mandatory septic re-inspection program in 2022. The final report was presented to council on April 11, 2023
Business Plan for Seniors Housing
As communities grow and age, the need for suitable seniors housing options is becoming more and more prevalent. This is true of Frontenac County where seniors, as a share of overall population, will continue to increase over the next 20 years. As a result, Frontenac County Council has designed seniors housing as a priority. The County has likewise allocated funds to explore the feasibility of developing affordable housing projects that address these needs via the preparation of business plans. This report for the Township of Central Frontenac represents the fourth such business plan prepared under this initiative.
This report details the business plan for the proposed seniors complex to be constructed on the former public school site in Sharbot Lake.
Roads Needs Study Update
The Township of Central Frontenac commissioned The Greer Galloway Group Inc. to complete a Road Needs Study for all municipal roads within the Township.
The makeup of this type of study is intentionally designed to be general and uncomplicated. It was designed by the Ministry of Transportation so that it could be a useful tool for all municipalities, with varied financial resources, to effectively plan future capital works and improvements to their road infrastructure.
2019 Central Frontenac Septic Re-Inspection Report
2019 was the first year for the mandatory re-inspection program. A goal of up to 300 property inspections was set per year, with 263 properties provided for 2019. 191 sewage systems were inspected on 185 properties between Crow, Eagle and Silver Lakes.
Sharbot Lake Community Improvement Plan
Community Improvement Plans (CIP) are one of the many sustainable community planning tools found in the Planning Act. They can help communities and municipalities address challenges that prevent optimization of areas that are currently underutilized. This tool provides a means of planning and financing development activities that effectively assist in the use, reuse and restoration of lands, buildings and infrastructure. The priority of the plan is improve community development and foster economic development.
Private Roads (Lanes) Study: Final Report and Recommendations
The purpose of this Study is to undertake a County-wide assessment of the existing private lanes system in the County of Frontenac; to recommend a planning framework that can be used to best manage these lanes; to promote lane improvements, and to provide planning policies for Township Official Plans to act as a guide for future development on private lanes.
Central Frontenac established a strategic plan stating the Municipality's key initiatives setting priorities and actions to guide the municipality throughout the 2024-2028 year
The framework will assist the Township of Central Frontenac with the strategies under the recovery phase. Also, it will assist the guide businesses to resume and re-open facilities as outlined by KFL&A Public Health and the Province of Ontario. This framework will guide us in the development of the recovery plans and strategies to reach our goal.
Provincially Legislated Annual Report on Building Permit Fees for 2019
Central Frontenac Ontario Building Code Act Annual Report on fees for 2019.
Community Safety and Well-being
The Township of Central Frontenac, North Frontenac, South Frontenac and Frontenac Islands have been working with their community partners since October 2019 to develop a Community Safety and Well-being Plan, as mandated by legislation under the Police Services Act. More than 80 individuals, groups, organizations and agencies have been consulted in the process.
The Ministry of Solicitor General has provided a framework to help municipalities undertaking the community safety and well-being planning process. A critical element of this framework is understanding the importance of planning in the following four areas "to ensure local plans are as efficient and effective as possible in making communities safer and healthier":
- Social Development
- Prevention
- Risk Intervention, and
- Incident Response
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