
By-Laws & Enforcement

The Township of Central Frontenac By-law Enforcement Department is responsible for the investigation and enforcement of the Municipal By-law.  Our main goal is to promote community safety and well being through both education and awareness.

Your By-law Enforcement Officer will be seen responding to questions and concerns, providing education to the public, conducting investigation, answering to complaints and when necessary issuing warnings or penalties. 

Popular By-laws

Please visit our CivicWeb portal for a list of our by-laws.  

Registering A Complaint

The By-law Department responds to written complaints only.  A complaint can be registered by email to the By-law Department or on a Complaint form.  A complaint form can be downloaded or a hard copy can be obtained at the Municipal Office.  Complainant information is confidential and will be treated as such.  All written complaints must include:

  • The complainants name, address and contact number
  • Violation or concern
  • Time and date of the violation
  • Location of the violation

For any further questions or concerns please contact the By-law Department or the Township.

Complaints can be made 24/7 via voicemail at 613-279-2935 x 230. By-Law Enforcement will dispatch urgent calls accordingly.

Any non-urgent calls will be dealt with during regular office hours.

Contact Us