Burn Permits
As of April 1st, 2021 Burn Permits are required for all burning. Permits can be obtained through the new burn permit on-line system:

If you have any issues or difficulties obtaining a burn permit please contact Donna Longmire at 613-279-2935 ext, 243 or email at dlongmire@centralfrontenac.com.
Information on the new permit system and how it works can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38guYWnxqwE . This is a step by step video that walks you through creating an account and printing off your permit.
As always if you require assistance you can come to our office or call 613-279-2935 extension 243 and staff will assist you with your permit application.
Burn permits can still be obtained in person at the Municipal Office located at 1084 Elizabeth Street, Sharbot Lake, between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Burning is currently permitted in accordance with the 2021-21 Burn By-Law
Burn Permit Information |
- Residents require a burn permit for all open-air fires. Burn permits are valid from date of purchase until December 31st of that year.
- Permit holders must call the Emergency Services Department (1-844-994-2446), before all fires to see if a burn ban is in effect, or check the Township's website
Permits are as follows: |
- Campfire permit - $5.00 per season
- Incinerator permit - $10.00 per season
- Brush/yard waste pile permit - $10.00 per season
- Fireworks (will be updated when new by-law is approved)
This year the Burn By-law #2021-21 was updated and a number of changes were made. |
Permits are now required all year.
- Permits are only available on-line. This link http://centralfrontenacfire.burnpermits.com is available on our website. If you require assistance you can come to the office or call 613-279-2935 extension 243 and staff will assist you with your permit application.
- Residents must call 1-844-994-2446 each time they are burning a brush pile to activate their permit. This gives the Fire Department notification you are planning on burning within the next 24 hrs.
- Burning during April 1st to October 31st no person shall set, light ignite or maintain an open air fire, or permit an open air fire to be set, light, ignited or maintained, no sooner than 2 hours before sunset, and the fire must be extinguished no later than 2 hours after sunrise. A campfire in an approved fire pit may be permitted outside the time limits noted in this paragraph provided it is for cooking purposes only. November 1st to March 31st there are no time restrictions on burning however you still have to follow the guidelines and continue to report brush fires.
- As per the Township of Central Frontenac Burn By-law, the charge for the municipality to extinguish a fire shall be:
- $425.00 per hour per Pumper, Tanker, Squad and Utility vehicle (includes driver)
- $25.00 per hour per firefighter
- All-Terrain Vehicles (ATV/UTV) $150.00 per hour (includes driver)
- Wild Fire Pumps $100.00 per hour
In the event Section 21.1(5) of the Forest Fires Prevention Act is applicable, the owner of the property and/or the person causing the fire shall be liable for all prescribed costs incurred by the municipality, which costs may be in addition to the costs calculated in this Schedule.
As per the Township of Central Frontenac's Burn By-law, the charge for the municipality to investigate a compliant where the investigation reveals that the owner of the property and/or the person responsible for the open air fire has contravened this By-law shall be:
- First Incident - a maximum of $250.00
- Second Incident for the same offence or a different offence on the same property - a maximum of $1,000.00; and
- Any investigation during the Total Burn Ban - a minimum of $300.00 and a maximum of $500.00
- All charges are due and payable upon receipt and shall bear interest calculated at the same rate and in the same manner as municipal taxes from the due date until paid in full.