Animal Services

Many residents of Central Frontenac enjoy the companionship of Dogs. In order to assist in keeping our canine friends safe and accounted for, all dogs living in our township who are more than 6 months old must have a dog license, which is renewed annually. Dog licenses assist in the retrieval of your dog, if lost.

For the safety of the public, as well as our loyal companions, please remember that dogs are not permitted on any of our public beaches, and must be leashed at all times when off its owner's property.

 Animal License Cost
  • The cost of a Dog Tag is $12.00 per tag when purchased before June 30th.
  • Starting July 1st, the cost increases to $25.00 per dog.
  • If you happen to lose your dog's tag, a replacement tag may be purchased for $5.00.
  • If you have a registered kennel you may purchase a kennel licence for $75.00. *You will be required to provide us with a Kennel Registration Number.
 Payment Options

• In person at the Township of Central Frontenac Office by cash, cheque or debit;

• By credit card through our Virtual Municipal Office or by clicking here for one time payment.


Returned/NSF Payments

If your bank returns a cheque or pre-authorized payment, it will result in a fee of $25 to your tax account.

 How to get an Animal License and Dog Tags
  • In person: The Township Office 1084 Elizabeth St. Sharbot Lake
  • By mail: Please print a Dog Tag form. Mail the completed application with payment to the address on the form. Please make cheque payable to the Township of Central Frontenac.
  • Through our website: Complete the Dog Tag form, print and send to the office with payment of $12.00 per dog.
  • To Submit form and pay online:  Fill out and submit Online Dog Tag Form. Once form is submitted complete payment here.
 Have you lost your dog?

To many, pets are family members. We want to help you reunite with your pet if it goes missing so please report it or contact us at 613-279-2935 X230 during regular office hours (8:30am - 4:30pm. Mon-Fri). When possible, post pictures of your missing pet on Facebook. You can send your pictures to the Kingston Humane Society's Facebook page as they act as the Pound for the Township.

If you think your dog may already be impounded, contact Kingston Humane Society

A $100 impound fee, as well as any fees charged by the Vet, must be paid prior to the release of your dog. The Kingston Humane Society charges a $50 one-time administration fee and a $10 boarding fee per day. Proof of a current dog tag is required. A tag must be purchased before the dog is released.

To submit a complaint related to an emergency with an injured dog during the evening, weekend or holiday, please contact Frontenac Municipal Law Enforcement at 613-541-3213. This is an answering service only so please leave specific details and call back information. 

By-law Enforcement
Regular office hours (8:30-4:30 Mon-Fri) contact the Township Office at 613-279-29358 X 230.  During the evening, weekend or holiday, please contact Frontenac Municipal Law Enforcement at 613-541-3213. This is an answering service only so please leave specific details and call back information.

General Information


  • The By-law prohibits dogs running at large
  • All dogs over six (6) months old must be licensed
  • Pick up any feces left by your dog on any property

Dog Tags are available for $12.00 each until June 30, after which the fee increases to $25.00 each.  Replacement dog tags are $5.00 each.  Kennel Licenses must be purchased at the Municipal Office (1084 Elizabeth Street) at a cost of $75.00.  


The Township of Central Frontenac does not have a Cat By-law.

Animals at Large / Livestock Damage

Regular office hours (8:30-4:30 Mon-Fri) contact the Township Office at 613-279-2935 X 230 for complaints of any animal at large and Livestock Damage.

Bears and Wildlife

Concerns about bears, encounters with bears?  Bears want to avoid humans, most encounters are not aggressive and attacks are rare.  Visit the Ministry of Natural Resources website for more information or call 1-866-514-2327 to report a bear sighting.  Any concerns about nuisance wild life (coyotes, foxes, bears) should be directed to the Ministry at 1-800-667-1940.

Protect our animals

Contact Us