The Planning Department is responsible for providing planning services and advice to decision-makers on all planning matters related to the local municipality. There are a number of laws and documents that are relevant to planning.
Learn more about the vision, policies and regulations in place in the Township by viewing the information below.
Township Zoning By-law |
In Ontario, the Planning Act permits the Township to enact a Zoning By-law to control the use of land in the Township. The Zoning By-law sets out where buildings and structures can be located, the types of buildings and structures permitted, how buildings can be used, lot sizes and dimensions, parking requirements, building heights and setbacks. The Zoning By-law also contains zoning maps that set out the zone for each property, for example, residential, commercial or agricultural. If a property owner wishes to develop property in a way that is not permitted in the zoning by-law, they may apply for a change in zoning through a zoning by-law amendment or minor variance application. View the current Central Frontenac Zoning By-law Frontenac Maps is an excellent resource for viewing the property and learning more. Frontenac Maps is a publicly accessible interactive online mapping tool maintained by the County of Frontenac. Please note that zoning information and conservation authority boundaries are available here. |
Zoning Bylaw Update Process |
Central Frontenac Official Plan, Approved 2021 |
The new Official Plan for the township was adopted in July of 2021 and approved by the County of Frontenac on September 15, 2021. Click here to view the new Official Plan. |
County of Frontenac Official Plan, 2016 |
The County of Frontenac Official Plan is a framework for guiding development in the County through the management and protection of the natural environment and by providing direction and influence on growth patterns. It is focused on the six themes of economic sustainability, growth management, community building, housing and social services, heritage and culture, and environmental sustainability. The Plan is amended from time to time to reflect changes in provincial regulations and to ensure the document continues to reflect the needs of the region.
Visit the County of Frontenac Planning Department web page and learn more about the County Official Plan. |
Provincial Policy Statement, 2020 |
The Provincial Policy Statement provides direction on planning matters related to land use and development province-wide. The document promotes efficient land use and development matters that support strong, liveable and healthy communities, protect the environment and public health and safety, and facilitate economic growth. All planning decisions and local planning documents must be consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS).
Please click here to read the PPS, 2020. |
Planning Act |
The Planning Act is provincial legislation that sets out the parameters of land use planning in Ontario. It describes how land uses may be controlled, and who may control them. It also sets out timelines for processing applications and notice provisions, including where notices are required to be placed and who notices are to be circulated to. Please click here to read the Planning Act. |
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