Community Profile

The Township of Central Frontenac was incorporated on January 1, 1998 and is made up of four (4) former Townships including Kennebec, Olden, Oso and Hinchinbrooke. The Municipal office for these amalgamated Townships is located in Sharbot Lake. Sharbot Lake is located approximately 75 kilometers north of Kingston and 123 kilometers west of Ottawa with most of the village just south of the intersections of Highway 7 and Road 38. Also located in the municipality are the hamlets of Parham, Mountain Grove and Arden. In addition, there are the predominately residential cross road communities of Tichborne, Piccadilly, Godfrey, Henderson, Elm Tree and Crow Lake.


The municipality is comprised of 1,025 square kilometers (395.75 square miles). The Township of Central Frontenac enjoys a unique character and quality of life that distinguishes the municipality from other areas of Ontario. The rural values, the sense of place, the unique landscapes, the importance of water resources and the quality of life enjoyed by those who live in and who visit the community is integral to the municipality. Water and sewer services are comprised of private septic and well systems.


Central Frontenac has a permanent population of 4,555 that more than doubles in the summer due to the seasonal residents and visitors that are attracted to the area. There are 4,091 households with 1,879 of those being seasonal. The number of qualified electors for the 2014 municipal election was 9,067.

Economic and Development Trends

As mentioned above, there are a number of settlement areas in the municipality. According to the 2008 Official Plan, the Village of Sharbot Lake is the largest of the settlement areas and offers the most extensive scope and mix of land uses and public services and therefore it would probably be considered to be the hub of the municipality. The Frontenac Community Futures Development Corporation lists 73 Central Frontenac businesses in its Business Directory. The type of businesses are diverse and include several in the hospitality/accommodation/dining category, followed by a number in the arts, as well as the construction fields. This is only some of the  business types in the municipality,  and is by no means an extensive list. In a 2016 study completed by Jp2g Consultants Inc. for the County of Frontenac, the consultant noted “Approximately 33% of the overall Frontenac employment base worked at home in 2011, as compared to a 2011 provincial average of work at home employment of approximately 8%. Frontenac County will retain its comparatively high work at home employment over the 2011-2036 time period due to improved telecommunication technology, and increased opportunities related to telecommuting in the commercial and institutional employment sectors.” While these numbers are applicable to the county as a whole, it might be fair to assume that there are likely many home-based businesses in Central Frontenac that are not yet listed in the CFDC business directory.

There are also a number of residents whom commute to larger centres for employment.

Service Groups

The Royal Canadian Legion has two active branches in the township -Branch 425 in Sharbot Lake and Branch 334 in Arden. The Sharbot Lake and District Lions Club and Masonic Lodge are also located in Sharbot Lake. There is a strong sense of community in Central Frontenac due to its healthy volunteer base.

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