Committee of Adjustment

The Committee of Adjustment is responsible for planning decisions related to minor variance and consent applications taking into consideration the County and Township Official Plans, Township Zoning By-law and the Planning Act and Provincial Policy Statement.  

The Committee is comprised of all nine members of Council. Committee of Adjustment meetings are usually held on the second Thursday of each month in the evening, unless noted on the notice. Committee of Adjustment meetings are open to the public with the agenda being published online in advance of the meeting. 

Committee of Adjustment Meetings – Electronic Participation

Due to COVID-19 service limitations, Committee of Adjustment meetings are being held using electronic participation to ensure compliance with the Provincial Order to restrict public gatherings and to respect social distancing put in place in response to COVID-19. The meetings will be held virtually through Zoom. The public and applicants will be able to participate by providing written comments, registering to participate in the Zoom Meeting electronically or by calling in. All meetings will begin at the regularly scheduled time located at the top of the agenda.

Computer/Laptop/Smartphone/Tablet (with audio and microphone)

While the public are encouraged to make written submissions to the Committee, Members of the public will also be able to provide verbal comments at Committee Meetings through Zoom. Once registered for the meeting, members of the public will be emailed a user specific link for the Zoom meeting. Registration will be available until the start of the meeting.

To register, please click here: 

November 12th, 2024, at 5:00 pm –Zoom registration

 After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Township of Central Frontenac Committee of Adjustment - 11 Feb 2025 - Agenda:

Township of Central Frontenac Committee of Adjustment - 11 Feb 2025 - PDF
Township of Central Frontenac Committee of Adjustment - 11 Feb 2025 - HTML



To participate in a meeting via telephone, members of the public must register by calling Crystal Nedow, Development Services Assistance at (613) 279-2935 ext. 258 and provide their name, phone number that they will be using to connect to the call, and the agenda item(s) they wish to speak to. Township staff will then contact the member of the public to confirm their participation and provide meeting details. Registration will close at noon on the day of the meeting.

Please view the Public Participant Guide – Committee of Adjustment for more information.

Application Cut-Offs Dates

In order to process applications efficiently, please note that applications must be deemed complete a minimum of one month in advance of the meeting to be scheduled for an upcoming agenda. During peak development season, applications may be required sooner. 

Meets are the second Thursday of each month.  

Submit an Application

Please view the Planning Applications and Fees page to learn more about submitting an application. A pre-application meeting with staff is required prior to the submission of an application. To book a meeting with staff, please submit a planning inquiry.



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